How Winston Jimenez Transitioned to a Full-Time Real Estate Agent

by Keith Soldwisch

Winston first started out as an administrative assistant with us in 2021. He was getting his license to sell real estate in both Iowa and New York and needed some hands-on training to fully understand his duties and responsibilities. We helped provide him the training and support he needed as he shadowed listing appointments, buyer consultations, hosted and helped set up open houses, coordinated getting professional photos taken of homes, and even learned an old trick to hosting open houses.

Winston is a full-time real estate agent that also speaks Spanish and is ready to serve you and answer any real estate questions that you may have. If you would like, you can follow him on Instagram @winstondsm or reach him at (585) 737-7365.


Keith Soldwisch

Managing Broker/Owner | License ID: B59816000

+1(515) 414-0462

