We’re doing a fundraiser for SouthSide Cares!

by Keith Soldwisch

Join us this Thursday night, November 23, 2023 at Striking Sparrow Lounge from 6 p.m. to close to help support SouthSide Cares. Striking Sparrow Lounge is located at 1930 SE 6th St, Des Moines, IA 50315.
SouthSide Cares is a non-profit organization formed in 2007 by a group of south side, Des Moines, IA residents to help those families afflicted by cancer and other chronic medical issues. They have helped Ryan’s aunt during her cancer treatments so they are near and dear to our hearts. We strongly believe in what they do and how they help provide for the community.
You can help support them by stopping by Striking Sparrow Lounge from 6 p.m. to close this Thanksgiving or you can go to their website https://www.sscdsm.org/ and click the Donate button in the top right corner of their website.

Keith Soldwisch

Managing Broker/Owner | License ID: B59816000

+1(515) 414-0462

